Jouer serves Up amazing Pink Lips and sheer Bronzed Skin for summer 2011

I’ve heard about days like today — sunny days in San Francisco — but always thought they were myths or legends. just kidding, of course. San Francisco does get sunny days, despite the numerous postcard pics of the golden gate Bridge shrouded in fog, and today was one of them. It was so sunny and hot, in fact, that I probably could have fried a petrified dragon egg on the sidewalk (yes, I’m obsessed with game of Thrones).

Not a cloud in the sky!


Not expecting it to be as warm as it was today, I did a full face of makeup for my meeting in the city, with foundation, concealer, powder, blush, eyeshadow, mascara, eye primer — the whole nine yards. Then, after the meeting, I started sweating on the short walk back to the car. The tiny trickle o’ perspiration that tickled its way down the side of my face got me thinking about easy summer makeup, and I couldn’t wait to get home so I could slip into some Jouer.

The high-end indie brand recently launched two new pieces for sweltering summer days, a Moisturizing Lip Gloss in Peony ($20) and an Oil-Free sheer Bronzing Tint with SPF 15 ($32), both of them developed to be worn together for a easy yet polished summertime look.

When it’s really hot out, the last thing I want to feel is makeup melting on my skin. With these two lightweight products, that’s not a problem at all.


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Moisturizing Lip Gloss in Peony ($20) — Jouer modeled the color of this amazing and creamy pink gloss after their Mineral Powder blush in Peony, a cult fave from the line. Smooth and non-sticky with a faint vanilla flavor and scent, it feels lighter than butterfly kisses and lasts about three hours on me. When it’s not out having fun, this cool-toned pink hangs out at Henri Bendel stores, but it can also be found online. makeup and charm blog RATING: A

Oil-Free sheer Bronzing Tint, SPF 15 ($32) — I like the subtle warmth this sheer golden brown tint gives to my skin. The product is easy to layer, but it never looks cakey or streaky, and my pores still feel like they can breath when I have it on. As much as I like it, however, I would love to see it made available in much more colors for pale pretties and darker damsels. like the Lip Gloss in Peony, it isn’t the easiest product to find; it lives at Henri Bendel stores, but it can also be found online. makeup and charm blog RATING: B+

From the left to right: Oil-Free Bronzing Tint unblended, Oil-Free Bronzing Tint blended and Moisturizing Lip Gloss in Peony

And when I feel like I want to wear a little much more makeup than this, I might add a brow pencil (like benefit instant Brow), some waterproof mascara (perhaps urban Decay Cannonball) and an oil-absorbing powder (maybe MAC Blot). A simple, minimal makeup look ideal for brunch or an afternoon of lounging by the pool.

Oh, It’s a game of Thrones

Is it just me, or was that finale a little anti-climactic? After the past few episodes, I was expecting something, I don’t know, much more shocking to go along with the raw heart eating and public beheadings.

I still loved every minute, though, and can’t wait for the next season! I don’t know how I’m gonna make it till spring… I guess the books and true Blood (YAY!) will have to tide me over.

How was the rest of your Monday? Is it getting hot out yonder way?

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,



P. S I just found MAC evolution revolution Lipglass and the other pieces from the Bloggers’ Obsessions Collection on the MAC site and purchased four tubes. It was kind of surreal…

(UPDATE, June 21, 7:41 AM PST: several MBB readers have commented on the status of the EvRev Lipglass as “Coming Soon.” Not to worry; the collection still hasn’t officially launched yet, so you ought to be able to get your hands on a tube. Word on the street is that it ought to be up around noon. will keep you posted!)

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